
Fluids & Paradoxes

F&P is a work in progress project. drawings, objects and pictures that i produce or collect and re-arrange. (archive in progress here)



Some experiences and thoughts about our surrounding reality, with focus on human´s "construction" of reality and "understanding" of the reality made by ourselves or by the others. Thoughts from a personal macro and intime sphere that reflect, in another scale, sociological, ontological, psychological and political concerns on the relations individual-collective, order-emergence, creation-collapse, development-decay, power-resistance.

Representations of mental, emotional, rational and perceptive processes of adjusting human existence in complex moral-and-beliefs systems which are permanently constructed, destructed, criticized, accepted, deconstructed. by who, individuals, communities, societies? and how, by strongly-structured-political-economical systems? controlled by delegated obeying forces? or by organic, emergent social systems with unpredictable direction and consequences, without uni-directional progress line?

"Believing" seems to be ephemeral and metamorphic while "acting" seems to be consequent. In most of the cases, there is an apparent contradictory relation between thinking (moral, beliefs, values, ideals, tastes) and the responsibility of acting (decision, construction, participation, contribution to the systems). How is the process of deciding and acting possible in a multidirectional purpose of existence? in another hand, how is it possible to develop a goal-oriented-structure and preserving individual freedom and diversity? from one side there is a circular and repetitive and recyclable time and history perception as in pre-modern societies, from another side there is this occidental contemporary context believing in "creation" and development. This direction is driven by power, control, classification and penalization. What is the role of the error, instability and regression in a development-oriented society?

This project is emerging anacronically and organically from love stories, sadness, rage and delightment. It is a poetic representation and consequence of my experience in actual Porto and Berlin contexts. A representation of the cyclic chain of beliefs , expectations, illusions, disillusions and delusions in human existence, from the individual to collective organism.

It´s not something to understand, rather to pass through, consume and expel.
So many different meanings as many existing people.

If it is not about this, it is about something else.

P&NC presentation 01
15 April 2011 @ Altes Finanzamt, Berlin
installation by Sara Pereira, curated by MatadorPR. concert by Une Distraction . Dj by FalloutBoy (Audiomassive).